the place for you to leave comments about the Bristol Blues Club.
What you like, what you don't like. Any bands you would like to see here.
A chance for you to share your views with us and make this a great place to be!
Bands can message me on the Facebook page or use the Contact Us box below.
Or you can email direct:
Please include any relevant links and information and include your contact details.
Don't forget you can always leave comments about the Club, the Facebook page or the website on this page. Any constructive criticism/comment is appreciated, so that we can improve your experience of our Facebook page and website.
Due to increasing popularity we are not able to make further bookings for 2025 at this time. There is already an extensive list of enqiries, so please be patient with us.
or you can fill in this form and click on the SEND button. We will get back to you as soon as we can. You can also get in touch via our Facebook page @BristolBluesClub
A reminder for bands applying to play at the Bristol Blues Club
We only accept bands, 3+ players, must include drums
Must have been actively playing for at least one year
Able to provide: a link to Social media/website, video(s), via Social media/YouTube, and provide a typical playlist.
Bring your own PA. We are able to provide on request, with at least 2 weeks notice, at a charge of £40 for each use